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Welcome to
Cub Scout Pack 10
Concord, NC
Current Volunteer Opportunities:
Den Leader Assistants Needed:​
With the size of most dens, we are looking for a parent in each den to assist the Den Leader in planning and/or presenting at each meeting.
Committee Members:
Participate in monthly meetings decide on activities and events for the Pack.
Adult Volunteer Application MUST be completed by all adults in leadership positions including committee members. ​​
Adult Volunteers
Moss Creek Spring Festival Volunteers
March 22, 1:30, 2pm-5pm
We will begin set up our table at 1:30, and guests will be coming to the tables from 2-5.
Please arrive as close to 1:30 as you can.
Please wear your uniform attire if you have one.
You will be e-mailed with specific information.
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